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Chambertin Tue, 11/30/2010 - 10:12

I find Busan interesting.  When the Cheonan went down I was in Gunsan and everyone was quite concerned that this would be the big event that set the war back in motion.

Sure it was election time and the reaction was exaggerated, but people were generally concerned before the politicians got into the mix.  I was often asked what my opinion was and what should they do if something happened as I served in the Marines.

Here in Busan where there is a bonified land attack and civilian casualties the general attitude is: "Oh well, thats so far away.  Nothing to worry about."  Such a different attitude and only a couple hours away.  Nothing good or bad there, just very interesting what a difference a couple hours on the highway makes in a small country.

It will be interesting to see how the Joint training goes with S. Korea and the US.

laniakea Tue, 11/30/2010 - 16:18

In reply to by Chambertin

Howdy, there.  You seem to be enjoying much about the recent tragedy happening in Mid Korea.  Busan people's response may sound dull; doesn't necessarily mean they do not concern or ignore about it.  I look on it objectively through media available although limited.  For the South & North Korean challenge is not any local but a tempting global issue of a reactivation of the War; such like the today's Iranians-Syrians & the USA-Islaelites (wtf, the link comes with "date sexy f***ing korean woman" again, those helpless koreans).

May your interest be blessed in Busan Korea.


lee-bum-suk Tue, 11/30/2010 - 17:15

In reply to by laniakea

The way I look at it is even if the north possesses a nuke or nuke(s) they don't even have a reliable missle source to send them here. If anything they would launch and the thing would go 100meters and blow up.

The nuclear fall out might be bad but at least that would give us enough time down here in the south to escape.

I really hope this doesn't play out as the majority of my money is here and I don't really want the won to become the new Zimbabween dollar over night.  I've put too many years in here to have to escape with nothing but fire starter.

Chambertin Wed, 12/01/2010 - 08:56

In reply to by laniakea

I wouldnt put any faith in an article in the Chosun Ilbo.  They quoted a small newspaper without even providing a name, which seems more like a blog than a news agency.

Your posts always confuse me and always have some alterior motive Helen.  I am curious about what you seek to gain on these forums.

laniakea Wed, 12/01/2010 - 10:38

In reply to by Chambertin

Heya, the paper is a translated version of a Korean journalist (I do a lot of Ko-Eng translations for dissertations), if you want his name read this in Korean.  It is also translated in Japanese as well.  I think those versions are all fine as far as local media polls concern for people's opinion.  Be cautious for it is tricky when a reader got drunk like one of those who posted on the bottom of that article; saying "Israel is a looser country of security by sending their women to army,  then frequently having a bombterror."  

I am currently writing my doctoral thesis in media critique for modernity or femininity since I have been in the school of criticism New York for ten years.  Searching articles online is the main job in here for now I am in Asia not in the USA any more.  Sometimes I really feel horrible with those who run into nostalgic stupidity of 50s or 60s; one of which did I meet you, chambre.  

Your posts need to read what local media manipulate today's society first; it's no more any culture if otherwise a culture of war exists.

gilbert.a.h Wed, 12/01/2010 - 08:47
The poll does not include anything for those who are knowledgable about North Korea or those who would counsider it a big deal, but not something for them to worry about. I think anybody who seriously considers it to be "not a big deal" is not thinking correctly.

mcj1983 Wed, 12/01/2010 - 10:53

In reply to by mcj1983

How can a post be construed as trolling if it is asking for someone to check their posts before they submit them? I try and understand what is written in some of these posts and it genuinely gives me a headache! 

It is one thing to make a small spelling mistake here and there, but quite another to give someone headaches when they're trying to decipher the content of said message!

That said, it is not a personal attack, and I will refrain from accusing someone of ''nostalgic stupidity'' and ''being an old hag'', both comments which I found very objectionable!

laniakea Wed, 12/01/2010 - 11:28
Look jones, what you wrote on the post #7763. Is that you?  That really is outrageous.  This questionaire deals with the shameful YeonPyong Attack which had been copied from middle easterners.  I made a connection with the issues running on right now bet. North korea and Iran/Syrian versus Israel; with which both Korean troops and the US civilians matter totally.  In there the War is not a game; and I am living with all my heart and mind.  When those answers insensibly replied to it, let them do that.  And leave.   

mcj1983 Wed, 12/01/2010 - 11:31

In reply to by laniakea


I'm not commenting on the content of what you write.  Thank you for trying to tell me how to live my life, but as this is a democracy ( at the time of writing, at least), we all have the right to an opinion. Chambertin offered his, you then accused him of ''nostalgic stupidity''. This comment is most objectionable, and reflects the sarcasm and contempt you show towards anyone who dares show an opinion in contrast to your own. People are different, get over it!

That's me done, I have something called a life to go an attend to. As fun as it is, I don't have time to kick a verbally lame dog all day. 


mcj1983 Wed, 12/01/2010 - 11:44

In reply to by hyunkyung


Stop being Helen. 

I know exactly what it is, don't patronise me. If you look at my history, I rarely comment on anything, as opposed to someone who spends their entire life on here.

Did you message the previous 5 or 6 posters asking them to remove their posts? I doubt it very much......

davidcopperfield Wed, 12/01/2010 - 12:08

1.  The North simply doesnt have the capacity to launch a nuke on a missile as a previous poster mentioned.  It's extremely hard to do contrary to what people brought up on hollywood movies believe. 


2. Helen,  I would reply to what you are trying to say but I honestly cannot figure out what that is exactly.  Dont take this the wrong way and start insulting me like you have everyone else.  You will lose.   

laniakea Wed, 12/01/2010 - 13:47

In reply to by davidcopperfield

Im now reading the today's related article in chinese regarding that six-party nuktalks;  the war issue is beyond the north joseon's hand; among the six-parties neither the south nor the north want but the china; they sent the same envoy, named dai bingkuer, to both the north after to the south.  The nuke problem is not of the two Koreas but bet. those who possess in asia and the USA.  The china menace the South eventually to make it into a war site.  That's what BS missed.  I will regret if france met china yesterday online or off, but germany certainly did.  The nuke weapons must be erased from our history.

hardpuncher Wed, 12/01/2010 - 15:18

In reply to by laniakea

I hate to pile it on helen, but I can't understand what you're trying to say.

e.g. "The china menace the South eventually to make it into a war site.  That's what BS missed.  I will regret if france met china yesterday online or off, but germany certainly did."

What does this mean?

@davidc... you say: "The North simply doesnt have the capacity to launch a nuke on a missile as a previous poster mentioned.  It's extremely hard to do contrary to what people brought up on hollywood movies believe."

How do you know this?  It just sounds like one of those things people say because they've either heard or read somewhere, but actually have no way to verify.  I have little doubt in my mind that N.Korea's capacity to do harm to the South is immense whether through nuclear or conventional weapons.  That being said I don't really see the point in worrying about it.  If it happens it happens, there's very little I can do about it.

laniakea Wed, 12/01/2010 - 15:56

In reply to by hardpuncher

A push talk is a sort of threat to me: when the six-party talk is asked by china after having hugin-tao's meeting with german representative; that has got a good side and bad; the former is that china got chilled up to act like a world piece talker; the later it always talks on behalf of the North joseon.  Whatever you want to know about the South gov's activities, here's the link of the blue house.  Inquire them directly.

I need to go exercise myself it's getting four o'clock now. ttyl 

davidcopperfield Wed, 12/01/2010 - 17:49

In reply to by hardpuncher


Reading a range of informed sources is better than just saying "I have little doubt in my mind......" dont you agree?    IF the north has the capability it still doesnt mean they could launch a missile.  It's more likely that it would be destroyed before take off. 

No doubt artillary would damage Seoul in the event of things escalating.  However, North Korea has a track record of this sort of thing to try and get better terms. 

elmobuzz Wed, 12/01/2010 - 15:35

i am of the no big deal-same old posturing persuasion.  i do think it would be horrible if something happened, but i do not believe the north is capable of much.  they may have nukes, but lack the capacity to accurately launch anything other than a bunch of shouting, followed by asking for something in return for being quiet or attending a meeting is their (being the government's) strongest characteristic.

on another note, helen, what is the name of the university/college where you are doing your doctoral thesis?  what is the topic,again?  it was a bit difficult to understand.  more power to you getting a phd, though.  doctor is a cool title to carry

lee-bum-suk Wed, 12/01/2010 - 16:55

In reply to by laniakea

Helen you got to stop using google translate hun, we are perplexed. 


Actually only now I realize how truly insignificant Korean matters on the world and it's stage.  If Britney Spears had a car accident the same day as the dropping shell game  Larry King would have had fabulous tabloid people on instead of former this or former that from the state dept. of some other lackie who is trying to sell a book.  Those couple days were really slow news days nothing more. 

The lack of any real response makes me feel like we really all on leper island and no one is going to come to our rescue at any stage in the future.

laniakea Thu, 12/02/2010 - 09:43

In reply to by lee-bum-suk

al lee

I don't really care which translation tool you may use to get fully informed about near future.  Otherwise, we gonna be isolated as most of countryside teachers are like posted all over this small scootable country.  When the North attacked the Yeonpyong isle, they had announced several times about their crap to Japanese media to menace.  As a result of the ignorance of the South, the world itself is going to forget about them.  Although we are here, feeling those craps everyday.  It's as simple as we may just book on a flight.  The reality isn't as neat as that is.  Once the North attack Seoul, all the northern people living here will join them.  I'm going to Tsu this month. 

Chambertin Thu, 12/02/2010 - 09:48

In reply to by laniakea


Maybe if you stop typing to look at your own font you will begin to make a point.

You are litterally uninteligable and appear just plain ignorant with the words you use.

Maybe you have a point, maybe you are smart.  However what you communicate to us is not what you indend to say.  It is garbled, defaming, and poorly thought out.

At the moment you come off as showy, stupid, and downright annoying.

Please for your own sake take an objective look (as in non hardliner Korean) at what you are doing.  Sometimes it akes a little conflict and a second look from an outside perspective to truly understand your own position.

I could go on, but you seem to ignore any direct question, or anyone asking you to clairfy a statement.

Good luck, because at the moment you certinally need it.

mcj1983 Thu, 12/02/2010 - 10:07

In reply to by Chambertin

Thank you Chambertin, Lee Bum Suk and others,

I see this garbled mess strewn across a number of posts of just about everything I see. I can handle mistakes, typos and the like, but when someone is so sanctimonious as to shoot insults in peoples' directions when they dare to complain or try to correct it, that's plain wrong. 

From the sources I've read, Andrei Lankov seems to have the NK situation pretty well assessed . This is only my opinion, I'm not forcing it on anyone else.....

Chambertin Thu, 12/02/2010 - 10:14

In reply to by mcj1983

Yeah I really hope their translation account gets cancelled as they have no, NO clue what is going on, or what they are saying.  Just typing to feel important.

Perfect example, look at this comment.

She has NO clue what the words "lens-flare" mean, ignores then, proceeds to bash the other person and tout her own intelligence. (of which there is little)

Humorous, yes.  Ignorant, extremely.

manager Thu, 12/02/2010 - 10:15

In reply to by mcj1983

Just a reminder to please try and stay on topic.  If someone's post is unclear, feel free to ask for clarification or even comment that you simply don't understand the point because of its phrasing.  If you disagree with someone's point, argue the point, don't attack the person.   Comments that contain insults or that are only about another user's language skills will be removed.  

mcj1983 Thu, 12/02/2010 - 10:27

In reply to by manager

Dear Manager,

The issue at play here is not necessarily the language, it's the insults which accompany anyone who dares to oppose the opinion of said user, and the utterly irrelevant and arrogant comments posted.

I remember a thread back a few months ago boasting of having a Lotte Mastercard or something of the like, which she edited 5 or 6 times (I know this as it kept updating itself as a new post). Rein her in, else a lot of readers will be alienated from what is otherwise an excellent and valuable source of information for ex-pats and Koreans alike!

manager Thu, 12/02/2010 - 10:41

In reply to by mcj1983

Responses here have been relatively civil and I appreciate it.  If you feel someone's posts on KB  are violating our policies,  please let us know

As far as this particular thread, I don't see any significant "insults which accompany anyone who dares to oppose the opinion" of Hellen.  If I'm overlooking something, please let me know.  As far  'utterly irrelevant and arrogant comments', that's a tough line line to draw and fairly enforce, but if anyone has suggestions for policy modification, please suggest some specific language here.   

Dogarse Wed, 12/01/2010 - 19:24

WRT the North's capacity to launch a nuclear weapon my understanding is that putting together a working nuclear device (which the North has supposedly done) is relatively simple but in order to attach it to a missile the device has to be miniaturized which is far more difficult process.

The general consensus from analysts is that the North are a long way off mastering this technology although, analysts aren't always to be trusted.  As far as missiles go the North is having a bit of trouble with their intercontinental missiles but their short range and medium range programs are pretty advanced (a lot of countries want to buy them) so I doubt they would have too much trouble hitting Busan although I'm not sure how precise the would be.  Think scuds missiles hitting Israel in the first Gulf war.

gilbert.a.h Thu, 12/02/2010 - 09:59


     About North Korea's missile capabilities, there is very strong evidence that they do not posess the technology to attach a nuclear device to a missile. I spent many years at my university studying North Korea, and if they had the technology, it wouldn't be a secret at all.

     Their capabilities are very limited. They are a starving state. Not just with food, but technology and money. I have met several people from North Korea and also ambassadors who travel there frequently. They all agree that North Korea does not yet have the ability to make such a device.

     Why are they so sure? Of course, they could keep it a secret, however, "rocket science" is very difficult. Anybody can make something go up in the air, but making it fast enough to evade other rockets while carrying a VERY heavy payload along with making it land just where you want is very difficult. Thats why the US forced the relocation of Nazi rocket scientists. This idea of nuclear missiles is exactly what fueled the cold war. If it really is so easy, other richer, more powerful nations would have made them by now. And no matter how you feel about movies such as "Countdown to Zero," the reality is that most people/governments/organizations who have nuclear missiles don't want to share them, at ANY cost. It doesn't matter if it is sold for billions of dollars. The person who has that can use it against you. Or worse, if the united nations finds out that you sold them, you will be in jail for life, and not some cozy american jail, but somewhere that makes GITMO look like Disneyland.

     If you really need resources, I can point you in the right direction and give you a few links along with some books you can read, however, the point I hope you get is that the weapon is not as dangerous as the truthful words of ownership. "I have a nuclear missile" carries a lot more weight in the international community than telling nobody and hiding them.

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