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wakold Thu, 11/05/2009 - 20:49

If you feel the need to constantly complain at things why don't you look at your own country and start complaining about stuff? I'm sure this wouldn't be too hard to do. Oh wait, why don't you look at yourself? Can't even read Korean and can't even turn on the heating system! WOW, that was worth writing(and in my case reading) a 1000 word essay! I was entertained indeed (by your virtually low IQ).

By the way, no need to use such a low quality language such as "mother fucking" when you want to describe something.

Ah. and what does "I cursed at Korea" means? In your country (probably the United States I presume?), everytime something goes wrong you 'curse at the USA" in your head?

On a final note: the fact that you have a tendency to label everything that you don't understand as dumb shows a lot about your actual intelligence, shall I say. If a person (you), don't understand something, I'm wondering what is more dumb, the thing the person cannot understand, or the person itself who cannot understand it...



barbie Sun, 11/15/2009 - 22:30

In reply to by wakold

 Two things, wakhold:

"If you feel the need to constantly complain at things why don't you look at your own country and start complaining about stuff?"

Why on earth would I complain about somewhere thousands of miles and months away? 


"In your country (probably the United States I presume?), everytime something goes wrong you 'curse at the USA" in your head?"

Why would you assume that I have the pleasure of being from the wonderful US of A? Were I that fortunate, I absolutely would curse at it. Often. 


Where am I losing you on this?

If you'd like to republish your blog on Koreabridge, let us know


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