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wakold Sat, 11/14/2009 - 12:18

Well, I wouldn't cross big streets in Korea if there is no crosswalk and if the green man is not out! haha

Jay Vander Sat, 11/14/2009 - 15:11

I would suggest looking elsewhere, not that there is not work here as there are plenty of jobs but with the exchange rate it is almost not worth it. When I first arrived here 2 million WON was worth $2500 Canadian (back in 2002). Now it is less than $2000. With the cost of living going through the roof here (yogurt that used to cost 800 for 4 is now 2300...) and wages staying the same, it is hard to save here like you once could. So if you think you are going to come here, get a hakwon job, make decent money and save, no way-not unless you are going to live like a hermit. If you can get more than one job you would be okay but of course that is illegal in Korea. In Japan you can hace multiple jobs as you own your visa there but here no. So plan on making less than 2g a month. If you are happy with that, welcome to Korea. As for me, I live here and have a F visa which allows me to work as many jobs I would like but you would be coming first on a tourist visa and then "hopefully" an e visa. Korea is not what it once was. Really, I would look elsewhere-maybe Taiwan or even China. They are paying more now and things are much less there. Just a word to the wise. Good luck.

wakold Sat, 11/14/2009 - 15:57

In reply to by Jay Vander

What is the difference between an E and an F visa? How can you get an F visa that allows you to work as many jobs as you like?


lee-bum-suk Sun, 11/15/2009 - 12:04

In reply to by wakold

You need to get married to a Korean national or be a kyopo(Korean-American) or live here a numbers of years at the same job; these are the only ways to gain F visa status.

lip420 Sun, 11/15/2009 - 23:02

 thats what i did i'd recommend it anyday over talking over the telephone and making a choice. come here and get a job you can see for yourself and negotiate a better situation, deal/contract. some schools will possibly reimburse you too for your ticket. i was. 

i did the same thing with taiwan too. its the better way.

you'll need a background check though thsts less than six months...i just went through this and spent some time down at immigration. I had a backgr check 10 months old but they would nt accept it..

i'd say within a month you can get work easy enough.

you can stay in hostels for fairly cheap 15$ usd and even much cheaper in the jimjiban 6$ or so if you can dig that until you find work.

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