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mattsid Fri, 12/18/2009 - 15:20

Yep in Busan there is a place in Bujeon Dong that has dozens of music stores in it with about 5 or 6 selling digital pianos. For directions read this post from the old forums.…

Personally though I would head up to Seoul to the Nak Cheo music mart. It's literally 2 floors of music shops in a space similar to Homeplus! I bought my Korg digitial piano up there and they shipped it down to Busan for free. Directions either take line 1 to Jong No 3 Ga station. Take exit one go straight and take the right after Tap Gol park (check out the stone pagoda thingy while you are there, it's amazing and National Treasure #2), it's the big ugly white building in front of you after 50 yards.

Or you can either walk to exit 5 or take line 5 to the same subway and that drops you directly in front of the place.



justin Sun, 12/20/2009 - 17:02

 thanks man i checked out the warehouse in bujeon dong, most of the keyboards there were pretty old though, i might have to check out the one in seoul or just buy the casio in homeplus. how much did u pay for your korg and what model is it? thanks again

mattsid Sun, 12/20/2009 - 18:39

It's the Korg SP-250, think I paid about 750 for it. It was being replaced by a newer model so got a nice discount. Out of interest what model is the Casio. The Priva's have fairly good reviews. But then again it is a Casio! If you do head up to Seoul I can highly recommend a nice motel right by the music mart called the Tomgi. It's 50 weekdays 60 on the weekend. Or if you are on a budget there is a place called the Sky motel down one of the alleyways there. Can give mroe directions if needed. Out of interest would you consider ordering online. Most models are readily available and saves you the cost of travelling to Seoul.

justin Sun, 12/20/2009 - 20:58

 im not sure what model number it was, after doing some research it looks identical to the Privia 320. Thats the problem i had because Casio to me has always been the cheap brand that you only get a toys r us for your little cousins for x mas haha. Is there a website i could go to and browse between models and place an order? that would be way more convenient like u said.



mattsid Mon, 12/21/2009 - 16:42

Best way to do it is to go to Korean Google and click the search Korean sites only button and type in a make and model of a piano. For example Korg sp 250 and this will bring up all the music stores that sell them. From there you can browse through each store for other brands of piano.

However, some stores will accept foreigh ID's other's won't. Luck of the draw really. But, you may get lucky on gmarket or auction and similar sites, who accept foreigners, but often are little bit more expensive. The best way to search those sites is which searches multiple sites at once and therefore you can get a better deal.

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