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lee-bum-suk Thu, 12/17/2009 - 16:18

That site will give you some direction but I don't think the owner/lawyer who I knew is taking any calls anymore. When I knew him he was getting bombarded with calls daily. This person had a big heart but that doesn't pay the bills.  How can a person operate for free, especially a lawyer?

I really don't understand you English teachers out there. Free legal advice? Like lawyers are sitting around by the phone waiting to waste their time on your situation and not be compensated? 

It's mind-boggling to me.  Korean lawyers are an expensive venture, never mind finding one that speaks decent English. Their time is limited and valuable. Look at it from their angle; time consumed and no money generated. 

Free legal advice? try the labor board and that's only after you have been axed(over 6months) or finished the contract. Most labor boards don't speak English and your redress of grievence must be in Korean so bring a friend.  

nomoretraveling Thu, 12/17/2009 - 20:58

Lee Bum Suk

First, you are assuming that the person seeking advice is an English teacher, you have no basis for that assumption.

Second, you are confusing legal advice and legal representation.  The former is often brief and tells the person where they can find more information or what to do next.  The latter can require countless hours of attorney research and representation. 

Third, you insult Korean attorneys by stating that they would not want to waste their time helping someone unless they get paid.  Some attorneys enter the field to actually help people, and not just make money.  Further, as an American atttoney I can tell you that our legal system (as well as those in the West and most likely Korea) strongly encourages and sometimes requires pro bono work, meaning providing legal assistance to those with special circumstances, such as immigrants or those who do not speak the native language.

Finally, to respond to the original post, I believe that there is an attorney who can provide some level of assistance at the YMCA in Seomyeon.  Kyung at 서향경 <[email protected]> is a translator for the Y and might be able to put you in touch with the attorney. 

Hope that helps.

Jay Vander Thu, 12/17/2009 - 22:32

there is a place in haeundae that offers free advice-2 in fact as i have been to them but you would need someone to help you get there. but wat is the problem? if it is to do with a hagwon you need to go to the labor board. and forget what that ignorant korean guy said. you can go immediatley after a problem or dispute with your contract and they do speak english. the last time i went it was in dongnae across from the megamart but i am not sure if it is still there.

and by the way, great post nomoretravelling. why is everyone here a teacher? there are many engineers, lawyers, biz peeps and so on here. saying i dont understand "you english teachers" is like saying all koreans have no common sense. most maybe do not but i should not assume-right bum?  and how many foreigners have you ever come across looking for help? and is it wrong to ask? what, koreans are above helping. wow. great country. you must be proud. give me a break.

lee-bum-suk Fri, 12/18/2009 - 09:37

I've heard of alot of foreign engineers, business people and lawyers having to go to the labor board. Are you on crack?

Mailman, are you a teacher?  

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