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bluemoon Mon, 11/07/2011 - 23:17

The girl who brings up asking about age reinforces a stereotype in a very in your face manner.

sinparam Sun, 11/13/2011 - 02:26

In reply to by mark sokol

I don't see why the fact that Koreans ask frequently somebody's age is a "stereotype".

I think it's a fact, totally understandable given that in Korean culture age is very important, especially in determining the level of speech used, among other things.

Isn't a stereotype "a set of inaccurate, simplistic generalizations about a group "?

In the case of age, I think it's not inaccurate nor simplistic to assume that Koreans consider it important to ask somebody else's age when they meet them for the first time. Of course, lots of indirect methods to do this have been created, such as asking the year you entered university (학년), or the astrological sign.

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