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wakold Thu, 11/05/2009 - 21:08

What's your point in sharing this information on an internet forum? The best advice I'll give you is that you should probably seek professional help, it's probably going to make you feel better than complaining about your fate.

busanandi Thu, 11/05/2009 - 21:34

In reply to by wakold

 i really like reading barbie's blog.  it's cynical and bitchy - every woman feels that way sometimes.  plus, a blog is for creative expression.  i'd bet that a girl who is willing to give a voice to the bitch inside in a fun and creative way probably has a lot of fantastic qualities.  i don't think it means she hates korea or herself. 

on the other hand,  writing mean-spirited comments about another person's blog seems like a waste of time and a show of bad character.  bitch on, barbie!  we love it.

If you'd like to republish your blog on Koreabridge, let us know


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